About Us

Jordan Landwehr

Hi I’m Jordan, the artist behind Happy + Healthy.

I'm a former hockey player and extreme sports enthusiast that has turned his passion for high impact activities towards more creative outlets. Declining interest paired with various injuries steered me into school and away from pursuing my passions at their highest levels when I was in my late teens and early twenties.

Maybe it was the concussions or wear and tear from my years of skating, snowboarding, and playing sports, maybe it was the stress of not knowing what to do with my life, but stress got me. Stress got me good. I started having full blown panic attacks, seemingly over nothing. I’d be fine one second, heart racing the next. With increasing pressure to “figure it out” I ratcheted up my drug and alcohol intake as a coping mechanism.

To keep a long story short - this led to more problems than it solved.

Many of us have been there or know someone who has been in a similar position - I always knew there was something universal about this struggle. It was fascinating to me as I became more aware of my own mental health.

In an effort to make up school credits and “figure it out” for myself I enrolled in an art class. It was that or a second language class and being dyslexic meant those wouldn’t be the “easy credits” I was looking for.

In art class, whether I was painting on canvas or editing digital files I found a new place where I truly felt at peace. Being creative helped me relieve stress so it didn’t bottle up so much. I really enjoyed the class and decided to continue pursuing art as a career.

Happy + Healthy original doodle

One day while I was at the airport waiting for a flight back home, a panic attack started coming on. If you’ve never experienced a panic attack, let me tell you, an airport is not an ideal place to have one. You generally want to have them at home in your bed, maybe on the couch, your front yard isn’t great but also not so bad. Airport doesn’t even crack the top 50.

So I started doodling to ease my mind - the concept I wanted to focus on was being Happy and Healthy on a global scale. I was trying to overcompensate with these large ideas of peace and happiness that juxtaposed with this looming sense of dread and impending doom I was experiencing.

I’d love to say that everything clicked in that moment and beams of light shot down from the sky, no more pain, no more suffering, and the secret to life is just to take an art class but I knew, and still know it’s not that simple. Every day is a new challenge for us to take on. Every conflict a new opportunity.

My doodling at that moment made me feel a little better. Enough to focus, get a bite to eat, get on the plane, and get on with my day without collapsing in the middle of an airport leading to who knows what else. That was enough. So the doodle became a foundation for Happy + Healthy as a brand. I knew I had to start talking about this with others, and start making art in this style to wear as a reminder. I really connected with that little globe, and seemingly so have others.

This brand is my way of reminding people to be happy and healthy. Take a moment, doodle, breathe, enjoy nature, think positive. Reach out to friends, make someone's day, make your own day better. Spreading positivity is powerful. Let’s remember that.

For me it was an art class, for you it might be getting forklift certified or jogging. Happy + Healthy isn't just clothes, it's a call to embrace a better lifestyle; that daily happiness and health can come from simple actions, you just have to seek them out and embrace them.

Our Mission + Future

I make art because it's what I love to do. Genuinely trying to make the world a better place is something I'm very interested in. Our goal as a business is to spread positivity and we're starting with an accessible methodology - putting my most meaningful art on fashionable, functional products in order to boost visibility of our movement.

But shirts and mugs won't get us all of the way to our goal! We'll be actively exploring things like in person events, social campaigns, and so much more. Keep an eye out on our social media channels for words of encouragement, limited production runs and one-off products, giveaways and plenty of other content designed to nurture your health + happiness.

This is where YOU come in! By sharing our content on social media, joining up with us during live events, wearing and using our products out and about, and being a positive force multiplier for the world around you. That's what this about after all - making the world a happier + healthier place.

More About Jordan

Jordan was born in California in 1994. He has lived in Florida, Georgia, Colorado, and now resides in Atlanta. Jordan makes art and works on video/photo projects for national brands and local businesses. When he's not engaged with a creative project he enjoys spending time with his significant other, our lovely H+H model Anya, their precious dogs, and his friends/family. Although Jordan doesn't participate in extreme sports at a high level anymore he still loves snowboarding and ice hockey - most winters you'll find him hitting the slopes or working out somewhere cold.